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Talks 2018

Introductory Talk:

Fr. Jonathan Dumlao

Video can be found (Click)Here

Talk #1:

Fr. Thomas Steinke

"The Spirit of the World: The Devil and the Flesh"

Video can be found (Click)Here


Hermana Angeles: Platica en Español

Talk #2:

Fr. Brian Dinkel

"Knowledge of Self"

Video can be found (Click) Here


Hermana Talpa: Platica en Español

Talk #2:

Fr. Brian Dinkel

"Knowledge of Self"

Video can be found (Click) Here


Hermana Talpa: Platica en Español

Talk #3:

Fr. Jonathan Dumlao

"Knowledge of Mary"

Video can be found (Click) Here

Talk #4:

Fr. Thomas Steinke

"Knowledge of Jesus"

Video can be found (Click) Here


Padre Brian: Platica en Español

Talk #5:

Fr. Brian Dinkel

"Living the Consecration"

Video can be found (Click)Here

Consecration Mass: November 25, 2018

Fr. Brian Dinkel

Video can be found (Click)Here

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