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Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

Frequently Asked Questions

What is total consecration? 


It is a total surrender of oneself to Jesus through Mary as a holy slave of love, striving to perform all actions with, in, through and for Mary.  “In giving ourselves to Jesus through Mary’s hands, we imitate God the Father who gave His only Son thru Mary…God the Son who inspires us to go to Him using the same means he used in coming to us, that is thru Mary…God the Holy Spirit who bestows his graces and gifts upon us only through Mary.”  - St. Louis de Montfort



There are other devotions, why consecration to Jesus through Mary?


This devotion is the safest, easiest, shortest and most perfect way of approaching Jesus because by this devotion we give to God through the hands of Mary all our good work. She purifies, beautifies and makes them acceptable to Her Son.



Why are we using St. Louis de Monfort's method? 


St. Louis de Montfort’s method was endorsed by many popes and used and promoted by the Saints. His formula involves 12 days of prayers and meditations on the Spirit of the World, 7 days on the Knowledge of Self, 7 days on the Blessed Mother, and 7 days on Jesus. By going through these steps, one is slowly and meaningfully prepared to unite with Jesus on Consecration Day. This Consecration includes an indulgence after registering to the Association of Mary, Queen of all Hearts.



What day is Consecration Day?


Your church will choose a Feast Day of the Blessed Mother and count back 33 days of prepartion.  Check your individual church details for the Consecration Day.  

Adult prayers will begin 33 days prior to Consecration Day

Children’s prayers will begin 17 days prior to Consecration Day 



What is the difference between the Adult Consecration (13 yrs and up) and the Children's Consecration (5 yrs to 12 yrs)?


Adult Consecration will be 33 days of preparation.

Children’s Consecration will be 17 days of preparation.



What book will be used for the Consecration?


The English book for Consecration for Adults (13 yrs. and up) can be purchased through 

33 Day Consecration to Jesus through Mary by John Pridmore & Neil Slattery (costs approx. $7 up)

The Spanish adults will have a different book.  A pdf copy will be provided for download.

The book for Consecration for Children is a special book that can be purchased from IVE Press (costs approx. $10 up) or through Amazon:  “My Consecration” or via Amazon.



What are the steps in the process?


Participants will pre-register through the website

Participants must purchase the books as described above except for Spanish adult participants who will be provided with a pdf copy of the Consecration in Spanish via email. The prayers will also be emailed daily.

Children will be provided with daily emails with 4-minute videos from the Sisters of the Virgin of Matara and must go through their books with the daily prayers.

Adults will be provided with emails of the daily prayers and meditations or follow along with their books.

Adults will be provided with Spiritual Talks, live or in video in accordance with the specific parish.  Please check the details noted in your parish. 

Everyone consecrates themselves on the 34th day at the Consecration mass. 

All announcements and reminders will be emailed to the participants.



What are the requirements for Consecration?


Go through the 33-day preparation (adults), 17 days for children through prayers, meditations, videos.

Go to confession within 8 days before or after Consecration Day (exception for children who have not yet taken this sacrament.)

Go to communion on Consecration Day and give oneself to Jesus as a slave of love through Mary (exception for children who have not taken this sacrament.)

Pray the Act of Consecration on Consecration Day.



What happens on Consecration Day at the mass?


Your specific Parish church will provide you with the date and time of your Consecration.  

Participants bring their Act of Consecration Documents with them. (The document is in the books, and will be emailed.)  Participants however are urged to hand-write their Act of Consecration. 

The Act of Consecration documents differ between adults and children.

If available, assigned participants may include the Blessed Mother’s Statue during the Entrance Procession with flower offerings.

The priest’s homily will be based on Consecration to Jesus through Mary, or Living the Consecration.

The music will include Marian Hymns.

After the homily, the priest will request the participants to recite their Act of Consecration in this order:


  1. Spanish Children

  2. English Children

  3. Spanish Adults

  4. English Adults

At the end of mass, the priest gives a ‘call to action’ requesting people to invite their families and friends to do their Consecration.

It is recommended to use lots of incense at the mass. 



What is expected of Pastors? 


Read the Consecration Materials, and participate if possible.

Promote the program through homilies.

Post the flyers provided in Bulletins, Boards, Social Media, Flocknote, etc.

Refer people to the website: for registration and information. 



What is expected of Pastors of Lead Churches?


Read the Consecration Materials and participate if possible. 

Promote and support the program through their homilies.

Post the flyers in Bulletins, Boards, Social Media, Flocknote, etc.

Refer people to the website: for registrations and information.

Provide the Consecration Day Mass as described above. If possible, print extra copies of the Act of Consecration documents on Consecration Day for those who forget to bring their documents.



What is expected of school principals and teachers? 


Read the Consecration Materials and participate if possible. 

Promote and support the program by encouraging children and families to attend.

Post the flyers in Bulletins, Boards, or send home information to the families.

Refer people to the website: for registrations and information.

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